Farad is a general purpose engineering calculator. It supports algebra, matrices, units, functions, and tolerance analyses.
Set the precision in the text box at the top
Perform basic arithmetic:
1+1 => 2
Put text in double quotes to add a comment in the output.
Show outputs without a trailing semicolon.
Assign variables:
a=1 => 1
b=2 => 2
a+b => 3
Use units (length, mass, force, time, etc. with prefix support). Check the documentation for a full list.
3in+4mm => 3.15748 in
2uN+4lbf => 17.7929 N
4gal+2pintsinmm^3 => 1.6088e+7 mm^3
4us+4yearsindays => 1461 days
4A*240VinkW => 0.96 kW
speedOfLightinangstroms/day => 2.59021e+23 angstroms / day
Create functions:
f(x)=x^2 => f(x)
f(4) => 16
Use built in functions:
(4>2)?"yes":"no" => yes
round(pi,3) => 3.142
log(e) => 1
Dimensions are a nominal value with a ± tolerance. All parameters must be of the same quantity (unitless, mm, etc.). They can be defined in three ways:
Symmetric (nominal, tolerance):
dim1=dim(1mm,0.1mm) => 1 mm ± 0.1 mm
Limit (limit1, limit2):
dim2=limit(2mm,2.25mm) => 2.125 mm ± 0.125 mm
Bilateral (nominal, tolerance1, tolerance2):
dim3=bilateral(3mm,0.1mm,-0.2mm) => 2.95 mm ± 0.15 mm
Dimensions can be cast in/to another unit:
dim4=dim(1mm,0.1mm)inin => 0.0393701 in ± 0.00393701 in
dim5=dim(1gal,1pint)toyards^3 => 0.00495113 yards^3 ± 0.000618891 yards^3
Dimensions can be added and subtracted:
stack=dim1+dim2-dim3 => 0.175 mm ± 0.375 mm
Get the nominal value of a dimension:
nom(stack) => 0.175 mm
Get the tolerance of a dimension:
tol(stack) => 0.375 mm